Shelters and Housing
House of Nazareth: 858.5702
Crossroads for women: 853.0811
Harvest House: 855.0626
NB Housing: 1.866.426.5191
At-Home: 1.877.641.5955
Alternative Residences Alternatives Inc.: 854.7229
YWCA Scattered Transitional Housing: 855.4349
Youth Services
Youth QUEST Central: 869.6355
Transitional Housing: 869.6301
YMCA of Greater Moncton: 857.0606
Food and Clothing
Karing Kitchen: 854.3837
Ray of Hope Needy Kitche : 857.4224
YMCA Community Food Centre: 857.0606
Food Bank Distribution Centre: 383.4281
St-Vincent de Paul Clothing Depot : 857.2088
Drop Inn Ministries: 872.4107
Boutique Encore: 384.1853
Support Services
Income Assistance & Child Protection: 1.866.426.5191
Pregnancy Ressource Centre of Moncton: 857.3033
Mental Health: 856.2444
Salvus Clinic: 384.7283
Sexual Health Centre: 856.3310
AIDS: 859.9616
Beauséjour Family Crisis Centre Inc.: 533.9100
Tannery Court: 858.6437
Canadian Mental Heatlh Association: 859.8114
The Salvation Army: 389.9901
Volounteer Centre of Southeastern NB: 869.6977
Safe Spaces (LGBT): 854.3049
John Howard Society: 854.3499
Moncton Headstart: 858.8252
YWCA: 855.4349
Community Chaplaincy: 851.6384
Coalition Against Abuse in Relationships: 855.7222
Emergency Services
Police: 911
Codiac RCMP: 857.2400
RCMP Irishtown, Petitcodiac, Riverview, Salisbury: 387.2222
Provincial RCMP after hours: 1.888.506.7267
Help 24
Chimo helpline: 1.800.667.5005
Kids Help Phone: 1.800.668.6868
Codiac Victim Services: 857.2452
Telecare: 1.800.244.8353
Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre: 1.506.454.0437
Court & Legal Services
Crown Prosecutors: 856.2310
Family Court Services: 856.2305
Legal Aid: 853.7300
Public Safety Victim Services: 856.2875
Dr. Georges-L.-Dumont University Hospital Centre: 862.4000/862.4113
Moncton Hospital: 857.5111/857.5353
Stella-Maris-de-Kent Hospital: 743.7800
Sackville Memorial Hospital: 364.4100