Bridge the gap is a customizable storefront to connect people in your region to mental health and substance use supports.
Psychology Month celebrates the contributions of Canadian psychologists and tells Canadians how psychology helps people live healthy and happy lives, communities thrive, employers create better workplaces, and governments develop effective policies.
More than ever, psychologists have been solicited for their know-how during the pandemic. Psychologists are present in several spheres of society. Canadians have had to constantly adapt to the many changes in life at the personal, family and professional levels. However, accessibility issues remain at the heart of many debates in the public sector.
Psychology is Changing Things
In February, the Canadian Psychological Association is shedding light on the multiple ways psychology affects our lives using the hashtags #MoisDeLaPsychologie and #LaPsychologieChangeLesChoses.
Psychology can help you is a section designed to give you reliable information. We hope you find it useful. The headings have been revised or added since 2009. Your opinion counts! If you have any questions or comments about Psychology Can Help You, please contact the CPA at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
The Psychology and Wellness Center is happy to announce that they will be offering specialized Mental Health Services to individuals of the Transgender, Gender variant/expansive community, their families, and loved ones.
As an Ally and a friend, The Psychology and Wellness Center is offering this specialized counselling service with the addition of Bobby Marcel Gaudet to the clinical team. Mr. Gaudet is a Clinical Social Worker/Therapist who has been providing Social Work/Counselling services since 2015. He began his career within the helping profession as a Residential Youth Counsellor, working with children/youth with complex Mental Health needs. He then received a Bachelor of Social Work from St. Thomas University and a Master of Social Work from Dalhousie University.
Since completing his Social Work degree, Mr. Gaudet has held various positions within the NB health network and the Federal public service (CSC). Mr. Gaudet has held positions in inpatient and outpatient Mental Health/Addictions settings dealing with various Mental Health and Addictions issues with different levels of severity.
As a Gender-Queer identified person, and practitioner Mr. Gaudet is dedicated to ensuring that fellow members of the Queer, Trans, and Gender variant/diverse community have access to specialized Mental Health/Addictions services. His focus in this area seeks to address the general lack of professional counselling and support services for members of these minority communities, their families & loved ones.
Mr. Gaudet provides various therapeutic modalities that ensure that clients receive evidence-based Mental Health services that appropriately address their needs. We offer a safe space for all clients regardless of gender identity, gender expression, relationship status, sexual orientation, race, religion, or age.
Mr. Gaudet's specialized clinical practice seeks to aid individuals & families. On top of providing therapy for a wide range of problems, he offers clinical assessment, intervention, and supporting documentation for Hormone therapies (HRT) and psychological surgical readiness assessments based on the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care. Mr. Gaudet is a professional member of WPATH and has completed foundational, and advanced Mental Health training offered through WPATH. He is also a member of the New Brunswick Association of Social Workers.
Mr. Gaudet is looking forward to meeting & supporting individuals & families at any stage of their journey.
We invite you to contact our clinic if you require further information or to set an appointment at (506) 382-1717.
Welcome home,
Paulette Lévesque
Clinical Psychologist
The attached document describes and provides internet links to MindWell, a suite of web based psychoeducation and skill based tools designed to help individuals manage emotions and improve well-being, now available on the Government of New Brunswick Website.